Monday, April 14, 2008

dyson dc14 total clean vacuum

The Dyson DC14 Total Clean Vacuum is the first of the DC14 series that is not available as a DC07 version. It is a completely new DC14 model, exclusively sold through Sam's. It sets itself apart from previous dyson models with two special additions: the mattress tool and the stiff bristle brush.

As with all dyson models, the DC14 Low Reach must be assembled out of the box. The assembly process does take some work and concentration, but it easy enough to pull off, especially if you contact the reasonably helpful dyson support line. We give only moderate marks to the assembly guide, although it has gotten better.

Once you get the vacuum constructed, we think you will agree that the DC14 Total Clean is a very stylish vacuum.

The default color scheme for this all gray, so it does look a little gloomy and dull compared with the bright colors we are used to seeing on dyson products. It would have been nice if they added some color to the vacuum, but it sets itself apart as the only single color dyson.

The Dyson DC14 Total Clean is nearly the same size as most other dyson vacuums at 44.86" tall, 14.0" wide, and 13.38" from front to back. The base weight of the vacuum is slightly less than DC07 models at 18.5 pounds. This would be considerable weight if the vacuum didn't maneuver so well. Finally, the vacuum is driven by a standard 12-amp motor.

It is not the number of amps, however, that determines how powerful this particular vacuum is. Like all dyson vacuums, the secret to its outstanding suction power lies in the patented dyson Cyclone air path design.

A specially designed chamber with eight separate compartments that create 150,000 g of centrifugal force. All of the dirt and dust you have just vacuumed up gets thrown out of the air and towards the sides of the compartments, where they end up in the vacuum's 0.7-gallon collection canister. Because the air path remains unobstructed by the incoming debris, the vacuum is able to maintain 250 air watts of powerful, consistent suction. In the end, this translates into more undesirable material being lifted out of your carpet and into the vacuum canister.

For those who suffer from in-door allergies, you will be pleased to know that the DC14 Total Clean also comes with a 412 square inch HEPA filter. The HEPA filter is specifically designed to filter out microscopic particulates and allergens that the regular filtration system may miss. The filter is made to be durable, and should last as long as the vacuum itself.


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